PIF Campaign Active Member and
Working Group Sign-Up

Vision Statement: A nation where all are truly equal, immigration is recognized as a strength, and no one in America is denied the essentials of life because of where they were born.

Campaign Statement of Purpose: Unite to protect and defend access to health care, nutrition programs, public services and economic supports for immigrants and their families at the local, state and federal level.

We are committed to protecting your privacy and keeping your data secure. By clicking ‘Subscribe to list’ you are consenting to share your information with the CLASP and NILC only for purposes of this campaign’s email list. Your information, including email address, will not be shared for any other purpose, including to be added to CLASP’s or NILC’s general mailing lists, or with any other organization. National Immigration Law Center (NILC) and the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) The Protecting Immigrant Families, Advancing Our Future campaign is co-led by the 

(In order to become an Active Member or Working Group Member you must commit to these principles)

1.) We believe all people -- no matter their socioeconomic or immigration status -- are valuable and critical to US success.

2.) As a matter of basic human dignity and our shared national interest, we believe that all children, youth and adults should have access to supports that help them meet their basic needs and promote positive development at times in their lives when they need them.

3.) Our focus is on protecting immigrants’ and their families’ access to these supports. By access we mean the ability to enroll, utilize and retain services without fear. When we refer to immigrants we mean all those who are foreign born (including refugees and asylees).

4.) Individual organizations will be invited to take positions on policy, legislation and public statements. Each organization can sign on and lend their name, or opt out.

5.) Campaign strategy and the partners’ deliberations are to be kept confidential, and final decisions will be kept confidential until there is an agreement to share the decision publicly.

6.) Active members will raise their disagreement openly within the confidentiality of the campaign, be transparent about divergent strategies, and take no action that directly undermines or sabotages the campaign.

7.) Active Members agree to use the campaign’s top line guidance on messaging (as developed together), and to share relevant information (to the degree possible). When this is not possible, we will communicate with the full group clearly about why and we agree not to act in ways that publicly harm the campaign’s messaging.

8.) We seek to coordinate with other related structures/coalitions/campaigns.

9.) The campaign will seek to raise money. Decisions on how to spend campaign resources will be made by the Co-Chairs and Steering Committee by assessing the impact on the strategy and exploring if there is a critical mass of groups who have enough influence, capacity, and commitment to do the work and are prepared to take action together.

10.) Members are encouraged to fund raise to support their campaign work if they choose. If members are fundraising specifically to support campaign activities, they will inform steering committee about which funders they are asking, and the results, so fundraising strategy can be coordinated.

Working Group Descriptions

Federal Advocacy Working Group: Explores federal policy and advocacy opportunities to protect immigrants in legislative and budget battles; Cultivates Members of Congress as champions and spokespeople; Develops legislative and administrative strategies.

Policy and Legal Analysis Working Group: Brings together legal and policy experts at to provide analysis of proposed and implemented policy changes; Connects legal strategies that are moving on parallel tracks.

Research Working Group: Convenes scholars engaged in relevant research agendas; Synthesizes existing scholarly literature to make data accessible to advocates; Identifies gaps in current research agendas; Educates the public about existing and emerging research.

Communications Working Group: Prepares campaign communications strategy and materials; Prepares statements, messaging, talking points, template Op-Eds and letters to the editor and fact sheets; Develops spokespeople for campaign.

Field Working Group: Activates state and local groups to influence federal policymakers and to mitigate the effect of federal policy change; Pursues alternative sources of protection through state or local laws; Disseminates educational materials needed for advocates, allies and immigrant communities and identifies needs for materials.

State Policy Subcommittee: Brings together state advocates and legal and policy experts to provide analysis and develop strategies to mitigate the effect of federal policy changes like public charge and other related threats, and affirmatively advance policies at the state and local level that protect immigrants and their access to basic needs programs through state or local laws and administrative policy. Coordinates among state and local groups and shares best practices on how to influence state and local policymakers. Creates and disseminates educational materials needed for advocates, allies and immigrant communities.

Community Education Subcommittee: Convenes state and local groups that are grounded in community to share best practices and approaches on how to educate and empower community members on their eligibility to public programs. A space to provide feedback on what's happening on the ground as well as a place to share resources and messaging that is needed by service providers and advocates that serve impacted immigrant communities.

If you would prefer to join the general campaign listserv and
receive public charge related updates Every Monday
please click here.
We regularly update this listserv with developments and resources.

If you would like to join the general NILC listserv, please click here.
If you would like to join the general CLASP listserv, please click here.

Please add the email address co-chairs@protectingimmigrantfamilies.org to your safe-senders list, after completing and submitting the Protecting Immigrant Families Campaign sign-up form, below.
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